This resonates hard Haley.

Your intro story simultaneously made feel like I was in a crowd and reminded me why I hate them (and cities and concrete and noises). I went to the fair in Toronto with my mom this summer, because it made her happy, but had a hard time.

I was called sensitive for as long as I could remember. As a male it wasn’t something I initially liked hearing.

You wouldn’t be able to write this beautifully if you weren’t sensitive.

“smacking on giant, greasy turkey legs” also made me smile. Reminded of Fred Flintstone.

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Thank you for this post. Do you think that an HSP would typically be an introvert? Not necessarily shy, but someone whose batteries get run down when surrounded by too many people for too long.

I think of myself as a non shy introvert. My wife is a shy extrovert.

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I can't imagine putting this truth " I am a sensitive and powerful coexistence." to a better use than the writing you produce for us Haley. It's a privilege to be able to share your journey through your essays, especially being a person who trends in the same sensitivity direction.

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This is exquisite. A well written essay. I love hearing about your experience with overstimulation.

And I'm super happy you found a way to coexist with your heightened sensitivities.

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Congrats on the new house...looks AMAZING around there!...really enjoyed all of this but especially that last paragraph..."Stories, like colors, ripple through me. I am all that I have seen and touched and felt."...what a fire...

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As someone who’s frequently by your side… I can say you navigate through your emotions with care and you fight to express them with authenticity and transparency and I think there’s always a lesson to be learned from watching that. I love this piece.

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It seems to me that HSP is a temporary station for the deeply intuitive. People who are being forced to practice heart thinking, which seems to be our evolutionary trend. To me it doesn’t feel like something we have chosen, but that has been foisted on us. That said, oh the doors it has opened! So long as I remain steady and contained. I will enjoy learning more from you!

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