RIP Squirrel.

I guess we are looking forward to the saga: My boyfriend ate my venison.

Great job friend (as always)

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...now is your opportunity to flip your squirrel karma and domesticate one next time...then you can convince your squirrel pet to bring you more flesh as needed...as for a lifestyle that turned out to be less idyllic than it was cracked up to be...i had to abandon being a hippy when after 45 days without showers my allergies finally let up and i smelt myself...strangers did not deserve what i had done to myself...

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This was so vivid, so gripping, and now I can never see Ice Age the same way again.

So so good, Haley!

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So good Haley. Gripped by every step of this tale (tail?) : ( - I'm so identify with all of this. The only thing I ever killed was a bird using a slingshot when I was 11 and that was the beginning and end of any thoughts about hunting for me. Thank god you are a warrior word hunter now. And as good as they come.

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