Wonderful images!! I was there as I read, longing to be snowed in.

Wonderful and insightful. A fresh meal for today. Thank you!

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This was so lovely Haley, made even better with your reading! I remember both that winter and another time I had to spend hours at the Philly airport, so having you fill in the details with all this beautiful imagery and chaos really made me feel a little nostalgic (though I want to be careful saying that as I will be in PHL soon and do not want to get stuck). Great piece!

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This line: "I hunt for the magic in the mundane." Whew! It's such a succint way to explain intentional observation. Beautiful essay!

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I've been in that exact same spot many times. Wonderful message: Be an intentional observer!

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Great story, great lesson, and GREAT writing. So much to unpack here. "A zoo of commotion". "Beautiful Chaos". Wow.

Well done Haley!

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I love this. I wish that level of awareness were constant.

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This ended up being so good Haley (as I knew it would). I love this ending.

"When I intentionally observe I cease to question my purpose in the world. I study my surroundings, I work to understand them, and I am willing to tend to the garden of life when it needs tending. Therefore, I understand where my life fits amidst all the madness. That is the power of intentional observation."

Awesome stuff.

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Intention is the elixir that lifts us, the lens allowing us to see the sublime in what might otherwise remain mundane! Thank you for this invitation into presence.

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Haley the terrarium is a wonderful metaphor - and the call to create your own terrarium is terrific. So many shiny dimes in this piece! Bravo!

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