Damn, this is so good Haley! Trauma it seems is an invitation to numb out, but for those who choose the agency you so beautifully describe here (Time needs agency as much as agency needs time.) the result is the ability to feel with an even greater depth and range of exquisite rawness. And maybe this is the higher purpose of trauma, because it transforms our capacity for feeling by forcing us to consciously choose it. Perhaps we are never healed, but can always be healing. And fortunately people who are healing also heal people. I feel so served by you with what you've shared, which is the joy and magic of writing. You've just made me a little bit bigger as a person.

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“Resilience that is negligent of one’s well-being and the well-being of others is no sign of strength or courage. It is quite the opposite. Numb people are numb to others. Hurt people, hurt people.” - This is so, so good. Very well written, Haley.

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So many lovely insights packed in here. Kudos for placing faith in yourself. That is one incredible step towards healing.

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Love this, Haley. Keep doing the work.

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Powerful and inspiring, Haley! I so appreciate the Stoic principles you bring to the important work of healing from trauma.

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Haley - such an insightful, vulnerable, and wholehearted piece. The word beautiful has new meaning for me now. Thank you 🙏

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