I think satisfaction is a contentedness with how things are. Not necessarily a fulfillment of your wishes or desires, but an acceptance of things when they fall short of those desires. A feeling that everything is still ok. It’s entirely possible to achieve all of your goals and still not be satisfied.

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Randy, it’s also possible to achieve none of your intentions and be completely satisfied. That’s how I aspire to live life.

I am satisfied all of the time. I am also dissatisfied or disappointed some or much of the time. The satisfaction is like a warm fire burning deep inside me as I manifest my unique self out into the world. The dissatisfaction comes at times when i could have done something better or different in hindsight, or a result wasn’t as I hoped for.

That dissatisfaction is separate from the satisfaction of living who I am out into the world as best I can in the present.

David Steiner-Rast has a wonderful quote that goes something like: Joy is happiness not connected to an outcome. It’s like playing with our kids. Or for you being in nature, and having the AWE creep up on you.

When I feel that warm fire in me that I referenced above, it is also Joy. Like dissatisfaction, I experience unhappiness, disappointment, frustration (like not publishing for six weeks!) but the joy and satisfaction fire burns with my careful tending of it.

The fire is ego-less. It seems to me that all the labels we put on things are constructs of the ego.

Phew, sorry for the long winded reply. Maybe this means I just published, and I can let go of my frustration!!

Haley I’m grateful for you stimulating the conversation and Randy for your insights.

Much love to you both.

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This is really good, James. I like this take on satisfaction. And it’s not too late to turn it into a post of your own 😁

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...satisfaction is a cold glass of something in the shade of nothing...

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I think you defined it right here: "Satisfaction is a deeply personal alignment of one’s heart, purpose, and intent."

I really like this definition. More than satisfied with it.

Loved that you explored this topic. It's been on my mind and this piece enlightens my thinking.

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Dang! You have the best opening intros - I feel so dissatisfied with my writing right now 🤣

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